Mobile device management enables an enterprise to manage the security of mobile endpoints similarly to they way that desktops are managed. The security features include locking or wiping the device if compromised, pushing software updates to the device, and requiring certain security features be enabled before allowing a device to connect to the corporate network.
Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) Data
Physical | Network | Compute | App | Data |
True | True | True | True | True |
Corp Gov Relevance |
True |
SaaS | PaaS | IaaS |
True | True | True |
Service Provider | Tenant / Consumer |
True | True |
COBIT 4.1 | HIPAA / HITECH Act | ISO/IEC 27001-2005 |
DS5.11 | 45 CFR 164.310 (d)(1) | A.7.2.1 |
NIST SP800-53 R3 | FedRAMP (Final 2012) Low Impact | FedRAMP (Final 2012) Moderate Impact | PCI DSS v2.0 |
AC-17 | NIST SP 800-53 R3 AC-17 | NIST SP 800-53 R3 AC-17 | 9.7 |
BITS Shared Assessments SIG v6.0 | BITS Shared Assessments SIG v5.0 | GAPP (Aug 2009) |
G.11, G12, G.20.13, G.20.14 | 1.2.6 |
Jericho Forum | NERC CIP |
All | CIP-007-3 - R7.1 |
Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ) Data
COBIT | HIPAA | ISO27001 | SP800_53 |
COBIT 4.1 DS5.11 | 45 CFR 164.310 (d)(1) | A.7.2.1 | NIST SP800-53 R3 AC-17 |
PCI DSS v2.0 9.7 | SIG v6.0:G.11, G12, G.20.13, G.20.14 | GAPP Ref 1.2.6 |
SaaS | PaaS | IaaS |
True | True | True |
True | True |